Services involving Swedish massage:
These services help you preserve your health and feel well. They are great painkillers due to their relaxing effect. They enhance blood circulation, improve blood supply to the body, and harmonize muscle tone.
Relax massage: The goal is to improve your mood and to relax and refresh you.
Sports massage: It is designed to relieve muscle soreness and muscle fatigue, and to increase or decrease muscle tone.
Remedial massage: The goal is to relieve muscle cramps and muscle knots, and to treat strained muscles.
(Please bring a photocopy of your specialist's recommendation, if you have one!)
Our services for lymph circulation:
Lymphatic drainage massage: The goal is to reduce the amount of stagnant fluid in the body and general detoxification.
Body-shaping massage, i.e., anti-cellulite massage: The goal is to remove stagnant fluid in the body by special moves and to reduce cellulite in the area of the thighs, hips and abdomen. (Lifestyle change is an important part of the treatment, for which we also provide consultation.)
Reflex zone massage:
Reflexology: Aims to detoxify and refresh the body through the reflex zones of the sole.
Special massage services:
Massage at events: The goal is to elevate the quality of the event by a professional and pleasant massage.
Office massage: The goal is for your employees to work in a cheerful mood through being refreshed physically and mentally.